“Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children”
Charles R Swindoll

Our nephew Jack adores trains. And as our latest cabernet sauvignon label demonstrates, so does our resident artist Charlie Roberts. Last week, Steve said “The new front window is going into our shop in Gilbert Street today but all I can think about is picking up the painting from Charlie that I have arranged for Jack.” Gasps of delight, a spontaneous little dance and exultant top of the voice descriptions of the train parts were part of the ceremony of Jack collecting his gift and according to my sister, every night a new adventure unravels for the newly monikered “Polar Express” as he studies the painting detail from his pillow. My boys all went through a train phase too but Jack’s passion is so noticeably deeper that I do wonder where it stems from. With Steve’s love of giving and Charlie’s passion for painting, this beautiful artwork has found a perfect home.